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Poo on Carpet – EWWW

Poo on Carpet – EWWW

Cat poo on the carpet or dog poo on the carpet – any poo on the carpet is just not nice.

It’s one of the ewwww moments when it happens, and it will happen if you have a puppy or kitten, and sometimes even if you have a baby. If it is you who is lucky to discover the ‘present’, then it will be you who feels responsible to clean it up!

So for a DIY on how to clean up poo on the carpet, please follow the steps:

1. pick up and discard any chunks
2. apply a small amount of wool mix and water
3. follow by white vinegar
4. blot well & try not to over wet the carpet
5. let it dry naturally & then vacuum

If in doubt, blot stains & leave them alone…..then call for HELP! The Devine Team will come to your rescue.

A professional clean will always give you peace of mind!