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Coffee Stains on the Carpet?

Coffee Stains on the Carpet?

Coffee stains on the carpet can be fixed!

Tea stains on the carpet can also be removed!

When a guest or yourself spills a rich dark coffee on your beautiful carpet, or a strong cup of tea, to consider removing the coffee stain or the tea stain from the carpet almost seems impossible.

You will always get a fantastic result if you call a professional cleaner in. However, here are a couple of tips if decide to DIY!

For a substantial spill of either coffee or tea – blot up the liquid with a dry towel or paper towel and LEAVE ALONE. Call a professional carpet cleaner as soon as possible.

For a small spill of either coffee or tea –

(1) wet the area with soda water,

(2) follow that with white vinegar.

Blot well and repeat steps 1 & 2 if necessary. Leave to dry. DO NOT KEEP WET.

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