The Devine Family Business continues to grow under new management with Dennis and Carolina Neoklis. ...
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The Devine Family Business continues to grow under new management with Dennis and Carolina Neoklis. ...
The Family Business, built from the ground up, goes from strength to strength, earning a 'household' name on the Northern Beaches of Sydney....
Coffee stains on the carpet can be fixed! Tea stains on the carpet can also be removed! When a guest or yourself spills a rich dark coffee on your beautiful carpet, or a strong cup of tea, to consider removing the coffee stain or the...
Dog urine on the carpet or cat urine on the carpet - either way it's just not nice! Urine on the carpet can burn carpet fibres because urine is initially acidic and then turns alkaline. It is therefore essential that wherever urine on the carpet is...
Red Wine on the Carpet? Don't Panic about the red wine on the carpet! How do you successfully remove red wine stains from your carpet or rug? We all hold our breath as we see the red wine glass slip and red wine splash and stain...
Wet Carpets can be Restored! Water damaged carpets always seem to be one of the worst fears we have when it comes to carpet mishaps. If you decide to clean the wet carpet yourself, there will always be the questions… will it will ever dry properly? ...