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Red Wine – Friend or Foe?

Red Wine – Friend or Foe?

Red Wine Stains on your Carpet

Red wine could be your best friend or worst nightmare!

We have noticed that on Facebook pages, within the communities we are connected with, there are always lots of posts asking friends and friends of friends what the best way is to clean up red wine stains from carpet. So we thought we would send out another ‘help’ post.

It tastes so fine but red wine can look so nasty and sinister on your nice cream carpet!

The basic rule for dealing with a dreaded red wine stain – is the less you do the better!

Please DO NOT use baking soda EVER, this actually sets the stain.

The best course of action is to spray white vinegar on the stain and let it soak through then blot it up with a clean cotton or paper towel.

Alternatively you can use salt. This will not remove the stain but will at least stop the stain from setting. Unfortunately the only option then is to call a professional in.

For more information – see our other post “Red Wine on the Carpet”.

If you need some guidance on the phone -we would be happy to chat with you. Call us on 02 – 9944 0554